Sveiki, labai reikia įjungti W705, tik bėda, kad nulūžo SIM kontaktų Fleksiukas. Gal yra koks būda įjungti be SIM? Įjungus rodo: nėra SIM, galima tik pristatymą žiūrėti. Gal koks kodas yra? Ogal kas turi tokia dalį?
Instead of captcha, we have <a href="">there</a> added a secret code in the signup form and asked those who need a blog, to contact us first and explain why they need a blog. Those with good reasons will eventually receive the secret code. Yes, this is not a bright idea on the long term since it requires a lot of work from someone who has to answer all the requests, plus frustration from those who want to signup and have to wait for a reply.
Instead of captcha, we have there added a secret code in the signup form and asked those who need a blog, to contact us first and explain why they need a blog. Those with good reasons will eventually receive the secret code. Yes, this is not a bright idea on the long term since it requires a lot of work from someone who has to answer all the requests, plus frustration from those who want to signup and have to wait for a reply.